1 ½ teaspoons of Kosher salt
2 pounds of collard greens; stemmed, washed in several changes of water, and coarsely chopped
Chopped ham
1/4 cup chicken broth
Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil in a deep pot. Add the salt and greens and stir until wilted. Cover and cook until the greens are just tender (~7 minutes).
Drain in a colander. Rinse the pot with cold water to cool and then refill with cold water. Pour the greens into the cold water to stop the cooking process.
Gather a handful of greens, lift out of water, and squeeze dry.
Roughly cut up the drained greens and sauté with your bacon fat and the ham. All you gotta do, is add ¼ cup of chicken broth, cover for 2 minutes and you’re done! Collards cooked this way aren’t overly bitter — perfectly tender, bright green, and delicious.
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